LAC Co., Ltd.

Taking full advantage of cutting-edge technology to make way for the future.

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email of Cyber Emergency Center ®

24-Hour Consultation, No Reservations Necessary

Emergency Inquiries: Cyber Emergency Center ®

If you are in an emergency situation, please contact us now [Cyber Emergency Center]

Financial Data

Financial Condition

Financial Status

(Millions of yen)

2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
Total assets 22,383 24,626 25,306 22,572 23,770
Shareholders' equity 11,959 11,658 15,769 14,820 15,404
Cash and deposits 4,653 6,367 9,785 6,144 5,494
Interest-bearing debt 3,033 4,843 2,746 1,460 124
Shareholders' equity ratio (%) 53.4 47.3 62.3 65.7 64.8

Note: LAC conducted a third-party allotment to NRI and KDDI through the issuance of new shares,in the 4th quarter of the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022.

Financial Status

Per Share Data


2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
Annual dividend per share 24.0 24.0 24.0 26.0 26.0
DOE (%) 5.3 5.2 4.9 5.1 5.2
Dividends payout ratio (%) 56.2 201.3 44.8 - 56.9
Book-value per share 467.93 456.12 522.65 491.17 510.51
Per Share Data

Cash Flows


(Millions of yen)

2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
Cash flow from operating activities 2,693 1,969 2,956 136 2,177
Cash flow from investing activities -2,445 -1,358 -105 -1,634 -708
Free cash flow 247 610 2,850 -1,497 1,468
Cash flow from financing activities 79 1,091 562 -2,147 -2,134
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 4,653 6,367 9,785 6,144 5,494
Cash Flows