Information Security Basic Policy
1. Declaration
LAC Co., Ltd., and its group of companies (hereinafter referred to as the LAC Group), based on the Corporate Philosophy, hereby declare to implement and promote the Information Security Basic Policy, (hereinafter, this Policy), that we have established in order to ensure confidentiality, completeness, and availability of all information assets, and to strive to improve and meet the trust of the society as a whole including our customers.
2. Scope
Under this Policy, the scope of information assets (including personal information) related to all business activities managed the LAC Group is covered.
3. Legal Compliance
The LAC Group complies with information security laws and regulations, national guidelines and other norms.
4. Establishment of Information Security Management System
In order to protect and properly manage information assets, LAC Group has established an Information Security Management System, an Emergency Response system for security incidents, has assigned a Person in Charge of Information Security and has established an Information Security Development System.
5. Establishment of Information Security Regulations
In order to protect and manage information assets appropriately, the LAC Group has established Information Security Regulations and Standards and has made them known throughout the company.
6. Implementation of Information Security Measures
The LAC Group strives to prevent information security incidents by implementing appropriate information security measures in accordance with information assets. Should an incident occur, we respond quickly, minimize damage and take measures to prevent recurrence.
7. Implementation of Information Security Education and Training
The LAC Group, recognizing the importance of information security, conducts training to all employees and provides the education required for the management and the proper use of information assets.
8. Periodic Evaluation and Continuous Improvement
The LAC Group, while maintaining information security efforts, make continuous improvement by evaluating information security-related management systems and the status of implementation on a regular basis, in order to respond to changes in the business environment and social conditions.
LAC Co., Ltd.
President & CEO
Itsuro Nishimoto