LAC Co., Ltd.

Taking full advantage of cutting-edge technology to make way for the future.

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Emergency Inquiries: Cyber Emergency Center ®

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Privacy Policy

LAC Co., Ltd. (hereinafter the "Company") operates a security solution service business and a system integration service business in order to build a safe and secure social infrastructure by making full use of highly sophisticated and diverse technologies in an increasingly sophisticated and complex digital society and aims to realize a society where people support and believe in each other.

Based on this belief, the Company recognizes that it is its corporate social responsibility to ensure the security of personal information and to handle it appropriately. The Company has established a privacy policy as described below, and by adhering to this policy, it will fulfill its trust as an information security company.

The Company's policy regarding "Individual Numbers" and "Specific Personal Information" as set forth in Japan's "Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify Specific Individuals in Administrative Procedures" are defined in the Company's "Basic Policy on Specific Personal Information" and therefore are not covered in this Privacy Policy.

1. Policy regarding the appropriate acquisition, utilization, and provision of personal information

(1) Acquisition of personal information

The Company shall collect personal information through lawful and fair means and only with the consent of the individuals concerned.

The Company shall obtain personal information deemed appropriate considering the respective content and scale of each of its businesses.

When obtaining personal information, the Company shall clarify the purpose for utilization and provision of the information. In addition, the Company shall only collect personal information to the extent required to achieve the stated purpose.

(2) Utilization and provision of personal information

The utilization and provision of personal information shall be limited to the purposes for which the individual's consent has been received.

2. Policy on proper management of personal information

(1) Ensuring the accuracy of personal information

Acquired personal information shall be maintained in its most up-to-date and accurate state. In addition, the Company shall respond without delay to individuals' requests for disclosure, alteration, or deletion of their personal information.

(2) Safe management of personal information

Cognizant of the various risks involved in handling personal information, including leaks, loss, or damage of the information, and violation of related laws and regulations, the Company shall take all necessary measures to safeguard individual's personal information from those risks.

The Company has a system for responding to emergency situations relating to personal information such as those mentioned above, and will promptly implement corrective measures.

(3) Principles for outsourcing of personal information processing

If it becomes necessary to outsource the processing of personal information, the Company shall select a contractor based on the Company's standards, conclude a confidentiality agreement, and appropriately manage and supervise the contractor's handling of the personal information.

3. Legal compliance policy

The Company shall comply with all laws and regulations and any other guidelines or standards set by the government regarding the handling of personal information.

4. Policy on responding to inquiries and consultation regarding personal information

The Company has established a unit responsible for responding appropriately and promptly to inquiries and consultation regarding personal information.

5. Verification policy

The Company conducts regular checks and audits to verify that its personal information protection procedures are being followed properly.

6. Policy on continuous improvement

The Company regularly reviews its procedures for protecting personal information and continuously seeks to improve those procedures taking into consideration changing circumstances and societal trends.

Established on June 11, 2011
Revised on April 1, 2024

Itsuro Nishimoto
President and Representative Director
LAC Co., Ltd.

Contact Desk, LAC Co., Ltd.

For inquiries relating to the protection of personal information
TEL   : 03-6757-0100
E-mail : pms【@】  *Remove【】to send email