LAC Co., Ltd.

Taking full advantage of cutting-edge technology to make way for the future.

Report An Emergency Incident

24-Hour Consultation, No Reservations Necessary

Emergency Inquiries: Cyber Emergency Center ®

Emergency Response Service to quickly support our customers during security-related emergency cases.
If you are in an emergency situation, please contact us now [Cyber Emergency Center]

For inquiries by email

email of Cyber Emergency Center ®

24-Hour Consultation, No Reservations Necessary

Emergency Inquiries: Cyber Emergency Center ®

If you are in an emergency situation, please contact us now [Cyber Emergency Center]

Corporate Information

Your IT partner that provides a safe and secure social infrastructure

Corporate Philosophy

To be an indispensable member of society, providing sustainability based on high level of management

Safety and security is our concern, at the same time, we provide our know-how based on research and experience

International Cooperation Activities

For our social responsibility, we strive to contribute secure and safe socio-economy

Activities for global capacity building and raising security awareness.